Prepare With ICEBUDDY

Change Is Coming: PREPARE

Pamela Norris

Wild Fires, Tornadoes, Hurricanes, Earthquakes, Volcano Eruptions, Typhoons etc.
It's never too late to sound the alarm. Prepare for the change that is coming.

Background music: Tomorrow 

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I want to thank you for listening to another Prepare with ICEBUDDY podcast. Have you felt a change is coming? You can't deny it any longer, unless you just choose to ignore that, which is occurring before your eyes on TV. This planet is experiencing a greater number of natural disasters and those disasters are occurring in rapid fashion and in greater intensity. Just this week, Hurricane Fiona has devastated Puerto Rico, the Dominican Republic, Turks and Caicos, and now is bearing down on Eastern Canada. Tropical Storm Ian has set it's sights on Florida. In just the first nine months of 2022, we have witnessed globally earthquakes, wildfires, volcano eruptions, landslides, typhoons, hurricanes, and flooding. Yes, they have happened before, but now in our lifetime, they are in magnitudes, not seen in 50 years, 100 years, or since records have been kept. And I'm here to tell you, as others have tried to, You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet! Maybe these events have not occurred on your street or impacted your life, but in time they will. None of us are forever immune to nature's events. Now is not the time to remain complacent. Now is the time to prepare. I'm sure you have heard the story of Noah and the Arc. People in his day, probably mocked him and called him the equivalent of a Doomsday Prepper. For the many years, it took him to design, gather the materials and build the Arc, others watched with curiosity, skepticism that it would never be finished and joked about what a waste of his time and resources. Those who had wealth, who could have contributed to its completion decided it was one man's pipe dream and not worth investing in. Even when it was finished, no one sought to make sure they could access space on the Arc, should Noah's prediction of a major flood come to pass. We all need to learn from them and their outcome. This is an urgent time to prepare for things out of your control. You certainly will not be able to escape to your second home when fire engulfs, your first and roadways are blocked. What will you do when the grocery store shelves are empty because transportation systems cannot operate? Thinking you can always grow your own food only works if you prepare the ground to receive seeds, and have time to nurture the crops until they grow. Remember, time is something you don't have when disaster strikes. Don't delay, don't be consumed with everyday living that you don't prepare. That is a warning for business owners, hospitals,

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governments, and every citizen. Do you have a plan? Does your plan include contingencies in case you must evacuate? Do the people you are responsible for know the plan, and most importantly, have you already purchased, and prepositioned what you need should you have to activate the plan? Let me tell you a story that reflects the reality of what I have repeatedly faced over the years as a first responder, who has reached out to government officials, responsible for saving the lives of their state citizens. The Head of Emergency Management for this particular state

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said he knew about me and my product, but he would not be buying any for his state. When I asked him why not, he said they had never had a major storm and he didn't see the need for it. He went on to say that if they ever did have a major event, he would probably call me and order over 10,000 ICEBUDDY Systems and require that I had them delivered by the weeks end. I explained to him that his people would've suffered needlessly for seven days. This could be avoided if he had them on hand and pre positioned for distribution by First Responders. His response was I'm sorry. I told him he needn't say I'm sorry to me. He would need to say he was sorry to the people he was obligated to help. I reminded him that his position was to ensure Emergency Preparedness and placing an order for the necessary supplies after an event is a failure to prepare. The next year, Hurricane Sandy hit that state. We all know the devastation that caused up and down the East Coast. Over 365,000 households in that state alone were without power. Nothing was available to First Responders that would enable them to help citizens preserve their life saving medications, requiring refrigeration. Have you noticed what's never reported in the news after a major event is the insurance industry's statistics on the number of preventable deaths that occurred due to the power outage and generators failing. This morning over 1 million households in Atlantic Canada, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island were without power. Imagine

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how many

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of those citizens are dependent on medications, especially those requiring refrigeration. Emergency response equipment needs to include ICEBUDDY Systems that can preserve medications requiring refrigeration during the extended power outages. Remember, ICEBUDDY Systems provide"COLD on the GO". The millions of people whose lives depend on medication deserve that. What will it take for emergency management officials to include them in their planning?