Prepare With ICEBUDDY

Preserving Your Medications

Pamela Norris

ICEBUDDY Systems, Inc. CEO, Pamela Norris explains how the new (ICE-LESS),
ICEBUDDY QOOLER is more economical and efficient while preserving medications that require refrigeration. Learn how to  save money and preserve your medications when electrical power is lost.
COLD on the GO

Speaker 1:

Do you know anyone who takes daily medication? You cannot turn on the television these days without seeing one commercial after another, pitching various medications. This is for a number of reasons and far too many for me to list. What matters is that once you the consumer decide to purchase these expensive medications, many require that they must be refrigerated. Now that's a problem, especially since our planet is experiencing an ever increasing number of natural disasters, which knock out electrical power needed to run refrigerators. I'm not just talking about your personal refrigerator, but also those used in pharmacies, hospitals, doctor offices, veterinary clinics, to name a few. Sure, some of these places have generators, but most families do not. And believe it or not, most clinics do not. So what medications am I talking about? In my previous podcast, you heard me say that there are over 100 medications that require refrigeration. We often think of vaccines. Well, I thought you might be interested in knowing the wide variety of medical issues the other medications are designed to address. Medication that needs to be refrigerated includes pharmaceuticals for diabetes, eye and ear drops, birth control, IVF, fertility, medications, suppositories, antibiotics, and the list goes on. Are you aware that the average American spends$1,200 a year on prescription medication? Much of that requires refrigeration. Can you imagine how much a person with a chronic health condition spends? So what are the options available to preserve your medication when the power goes off? How do you not lose all the medicine you have spent your h ard e arned money to buy? And how do you stay healthy and alive when y our health depends on that refrigerated medication? O kay, let's look at options. Solar activated coolers only work if the sun is out. Most coolers require you to add ice. They suggest that you use larger ice cubes to make their container stay cold longer. That is a serious problem. All that does is add more weight to the cooler and creates a bigger mess when the ice melts and potentially contaminates your medications. Using this type of cooler, you have no way of knowing what the internal temperature is for preserving your medications. So how does the


(ICE- LESS) ICEBUDDY System provide a better, lighter weight, more efficient and less expensive alternative? The cooler component of the ICEBUDDY System is spelled Q-O-O-L-E-R for easy brand identification. Place it in your freezer as

Speaker 2:

soon as the power goes off. It gets to the desired operational temperature within three hours. Then take it out and fill it with your medication requiring refrigeration. It will keep them at the required 36 to 46 degree range for 72 hours. That's right, you heard correctly. Three days. You don't have to spend additional money to buy ice, gel packs, or dry ice. You don't have to lug around the additional weight of all that ice. You don't risk contaminating your medication with the liquid created when the ice melts. Plus you have peace of mind knowing your medicine is being kept at the proper temperature. The ICEBUDDY QOOLER is also unique in that it is easily goes through the TSA screening and fits in overhead luggage compartments. It can also be reactivated without incurring any additional expense. After all, why should you repeatedly spend more money to get a traditional cooler to work when the ICEBUDDY QOOLER is made to save you money and save your medication. Remember, ICEBUDDY provides you with COLD on the GO.