Prepare With ICEBUDDY

ICEBUDDY by Women ... For Women

Pamela Norris Episode 10

 Learn how the ICEBUDDY System helps to impact and empower the lives of women and families.

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Welcome back. I'm your host, Pamela Norris. I'm excited about this our 10th podcast which is being dedicated to women.


ICEBUDDY Systems Inc, is a female owned corporation. Lorraine Jones, who is my co-founder, utilized her background in engineering and physics to help bring you this revolutionary portable cooling system. We took extraordinary effort to ensure that since it was invented by women that it's design would improve the lives of women globally. All well intended ideas must meet that moment of truth when they must be vetted and validated. For ICEBUDDY, this happened when it was entered into the Small Business Administration's National InnovateHer Challenge. The goal of the competition was to find products and services that help impact and empower the lives of women and families. To pass the SBA's test, our product had to excel in meeting three goals. One, have a measurable improvement in the lives of women and families, Two, have the potential for commercialization and Three, fill a need in the marketplace.

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Women today make up nearly half of the labor force and play a critical role in our nation's economic prosperity. As the demands on women and families grow, the need to address their current challenges increases.


ICEBUDDY entered the InnovateHer Challenge, hosted by the Maui Economic Development Board in Maui, Hawaii. Like that children's story book, The Little Engine That Could, after surviving the boot-camp elimination, the ICEBUDDY portable cooling system won the final competition. I'm excited to share with you how the ICEBUDDY System improves the lives of women and families. Women typically are the ones who manage the medications taken by family members. They oversee packing, whether for vacations, a day of recreation, or should the family ever need to evacuate the house. Women also bear the lion's share of responsibility, taking care of family members who are sick, elderly, and disabled. Therefore, Lorraine and I wanted to make sure that women had a top quality, versatile and durable, QOOLER and QPACK to make caring for family members easier and safer.

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Let's examine, a few applications.


Nursing mothers are returning to the workforce. With the ICEBUDDY QOOLER, they can keep breast milk cold and discreetly stored under their desk. Disabled female veterans, as well as handicapped women and children, now have a product that is designed to fit on wheelchairs and walkers. Women need their mobility! Women in regions lacking water now have a reliable QPACK to carry liquids, ice, or bottled water that becomes available through relief efforts. No more need to haul water in buckets and plastic jugs. In addition to these applications, there are numerous nonprofits which have expressed a need for the ICEBUDDY System. We are proud to tell you about them and the outstanding work they are doing for women and children. They are The Women and Children First Program of the California Council for Veterans Affairs, Inc. which serves homeless female veterans and their children. The New York Milk Bank, which delivers breast milk by motorcycle groups to hospitals and private homes.

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One Egg Haiti. That's right! One Egg Haiti. This nonprofit provides one egg per day to children attending school. These children are so poor, this is their only source of protein. The QOOLER is needed to keep the eggs cold so they don't spoil.


The African American Heritage Foundation of Maui will provide ICEBUDDY Systems to island populations. The Adopt a Native Elder. This 2017 CNN Hero Program requested the ICEBUDDY System because it fits on wheelchairs and walkers. They serve Navajo elders age 75 and above. These are but a few of the organizations that can utilize the ICEBUDDY System to improve the life of women and children. The ICEBUDDY System was created By Women... For Women to ensure that family members are always able to Keep Cool and Carry On. Stay tuned for my next show, when I will be informing Faith Groups how to prepare their congregations for disasters.